Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You pay what you want!!!

Hey guys and gals, I know the economy is tough right now, and most of my friends don't have a bunch of extra money to spend on things like CDs. So I want to do what I can to help ease the financial burden and still give you a chance to own your very own copy of my new album. So here is the deal, you can now download "No Place Left to Hide" and support me by paying whatever you want for it, or if you are willing to spread the word to a few of your friends you can download it absolutely free. Just check out the widget below or go to

I just think this new album is the best material I have put out so far, and I want as many people as possible to get a chance to hear it. Its not about making money, its about spreading the love. You get some awesome free music, and I get a chance to help out share my passion with you guys. Everybody wins!!! And hey, if you really wanna help spread the word you can even post the widget on your own MySpace or Facebook site. Happy downloading!!