Ok, so when I said I would be updating this baby more often I meant preferably more than once a month!! But hey, even once a month is more often than I was updating it, so I guess technically I'm still living up to my promise! February was a pretty intense month both at home and on the road. In between playing a whole bunch of shows around the state my wife and I have been working on some long overdue home improvement projects. And when we start into a project, no matter how big or small it is originally intended to be, it's gonna be a PROJECT!! Meaning that the simple repainting of one little bedroom has thrown the rest of the house into complete disarray for weeks! I can't tell you how many "weekend projects" have turned into major life events in the Moore house, but let's face it....that's not really why you take the time to read this blog. So let's talk about some music stuff!
Since February was just packed full of cool gigs, eleven in the past ten days alone, I'll forgo lengthy details of each and every show and instead give you some juicy highlights. One of those super sweet shows took place at the YMCA in Traverse City, MI. Josh and I traveled North after performing an awesome afternoon gig at MMCC here in Clare. Several Northern Michigan youth groups had gathered at the "Y" for an evening of games, food and live music. We got a chance to lead worship for the group which was an incredible experience, then the teens absolutely tore the roof off the place while Josh and I rocked out. To give you an idea of who great these guys were, there was actually a "worm contest" in the middle of the set! That's right, there was a showdown to find who could dance the worm best!! This was easily one of the best crowds I have ever played for! I can promise that we are coming back to the Traverse City area again soon! Definitely a special night!
A couple days, and a couple gigs later, I got the opportunity to visit my buddy Chris Freeman down at his new church in Northville, MI. By the way, you have got to check Freeman's music out!! Not only is he a sick guitar player (GS Megaphone, Poor Man's Riches, etc...), but he is an incredible sitar player as well! Anyway, Josh and I got to lead worship there at The Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and what an amazing group of people they have there!! We also had the chance to perform a couple of my original songs for the congregation, and everyone was super supportive. In fact, we set up our merch table just outside the sanctuary where we played and sold every last CD that we had brought, which was literally all of them!! I completely did not expect that kind of response, but it was such a blessing getting a chance to connect with people and share my music. We're already making plans to return this spring to put on a full blown rock concert, including the one and only Mr. Freeman on electric guitar. Ya'll might wanna make the drive for that one!! I promise I'll have more CDs by then too!!
There were so many other cool shows this month that it would take a mighty long blog to share all the stories with you. But I want to make sure to direct you to some of the amazing artists that I had the pleasure to jam with this month. Visit their websites, become fans, buy their stuff, etc... These are some mighty rad artists, and well worth supporting!!
Chris Freeman - www.myspace.com/christopherleefreeman
The Confidence - www.myspace.com/theconfidence
I Am the Branch - www.myspace.com/iamthebranch
Mighty Medicine - www.myspace.com/mightymedicine
Artificial Heroes - www.myspace.com/artificialheroesbaycity
Jessi Carrick - www.myspace.com/jessicarrickmusic
Finding Clyde - www.myspace.com/findingclyde
Derek Winter - www.myspace.com/derekwinter
Central Harmony - www.myspace.com/chacappella
Lots of good stuff coming up for March and beyond.......stay tuned!!
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