Sunday, October 2, 2011

Long time!

So it turns out, I’m that guy.  You know the type.  The guy who says things like “we just hung out with Dan and Tracey a few weeks ago”.  Only to be corrected by my wife that it was more like 2 years ago.  That guy who has such a loose grasp on time that things begin to fall through the cracks.  For example, when I told my percussionist Josh THO that I hadn’t blogged in a few months he was quick to point out that it’s been almost a full year since my last electronic journal posting.  Yeah, my bad folks!!  So let’s recap a handful of things that have happened over the past year and take a quick peak about what’s to come.

Things have been busier than ever round these parts.  Since my last post we have played almost 200 more shows, landed a handful of nice endorsement deals, embarked on several national tours, and opened for some seriously awesome bands including Stellar Kart, John Rueben, Me In Motion, The Afters, Everyday Sunday, Remedy Drive, Newworldson, Hello Kelly, Manic Drive, Beckah Shae, Michelle Bonilla, Icon for Hire, Nine Lashes, Heath McNease, etc….  Lots of different venues too ranging from your large music festivals all the way to the depths of a cave in South Dakota!!  Still rocking out with the full band, and I love making music with these crazy guys.  At the end of August our brother and bass player Derek Turcsanyi accepted a three month internship at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO.  Even though we all miss DT like crazy we are super excited for him.  It’s clear that God is doing some pretty cool things in his life and we definitely wish him the best, please keep him in your prayers.  In the meantime our good friend Austin Lutzke has been filling in on bass guitar.  Austin is a seriously talented musician, and also the only guy in the group over 6 feet tall!  Be sure to tell him how awesome he is next time you see the full band live……he’s pretty easy to pick out.

I could go on and on telling you all kinds of stories about our travels, creepy hotel rooms, interesting people, etc…  So much fun stuff in the past 12 months that there is really no way I can do it all justice……..and no way you are going to sit there and read my ramblings for that long!  So let’s look ahead to the future shall we?!?  Lots of fun stuff in the works!

First of all, we are currently working on material for the next album!!  It’s been over two years since I first released “No Place Left to Hide”, and I figure it’s about time we get some new music in your ears.  So I have been writing and demoing out a bunch of new stuff over the past few months, and the studio has been booked for January 2012.  Once again I will be working with producer extraordinaire Jake Rye for this project, only this time I plan to bring the full band into the studio with me to let the boys do work their magic.  It’s my goal to have a new EP finished up and in your hands by the spring of 2012.  And the way these new songs are turning out, it’s gonna rock!!

Another new development, and something that I think will be a lot of fun, is a new micro blog I’ve recently started entitled “A Little Moore” (haha, get it?  What I’m the only one who can’t make fun of my name?!?).  The idea of a micro blog is that its quick little pieces of media that we are going to update daily.  No long form journal style entries like a normal blog.  This is going to be a spot online where Josh THO and I will be posting various pictures from the road, videos, quotes, etc…  Some new stuff, some old stuff, some seriously random stuff, anything goes.  If you ever wanted to get a little sneak peak at what goes on behind the scenes here in Matt Moore land this is your place!!  This is also the spot where I will be posting video clips and pictures from inside the studio while we work on the new album, so ya’ll will be the first to know what’s going on with that.  Go check it out now at, or go to and click on “A LITTLE MOORE” under the BLOG button (its kinda hidden there since I have not officially launched it yet… guys get the inside track). 

There are lots of other super rad awesome good fun things in the works, but if I share them all with you now what will I blog about next year?!?  Hmmmmmmmm…..

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