Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheerios and gum, together at last!!!

Those of you who know me well probably know that I always working to accomplish new things. I enjoy challenging myself to be a better person, reaching for all new heights. This week I have accomplished two very special things that I believe have made me a more experienced human being. Two things that may very well set the tone for my future maturity as a man.

The first of these events happened on Sunday. The rest of the family was feeling kinda sick, so we spent most of the day resting and taking care of the kids over the weekend. This means that mom and dad have to fend for themselves when it comes to meals and things of this nature. Now, there are only a few types of food that a man can have for all three meals of the day. There is pizza, which is an amazing food if you think about it. There is also cake, which many people besides myself and Jim Gaffigan seem to dismiss as a one dimensional choice. But believe me, it works all day long. However on this day I chose another food option, one that might be considered one of the greatest food groups of all time. I am talking of course about cereal! Cereal is one of the few foods that can be consumed for all three means and still completely satisfy a man’s hunger. It can also be consumed as a snack between meals. So I started the day with some Frosted Mini-Wheats, moved to some Honey Bunches of Oats for lunch, snacked on some Cheerios with the kiddies, and ended the day with a nice bowl of Frosted Flakes. I’m very proud that I was able to stick to my guns all day long, and I would like to think that I’m a better man for it.

Speaking of sticking to my guns, the next big accomplishment happened yesterday. I made a quick stop by the gas station early in the morning to purchase some coffee, and also some minty gum to destroy the inevitable coffee breath that was sure to follow. Now, when I chew gum (Trident in this case) I usually pop a couple of pieces in my mouth at one time. I guess I just prefer a more substantial chunk of rubbery goodness at one time. Normally I chew it until it loses its flavor, then I spit it out and start over fresh. Well yesterday I decided not to spit out the gum when it lost flavor, but simply add a new piece to what I was already chewing. Knowing how quickly Trident loses its flavor you can probably see where this is going. It became a personal challenge to myself to chew an entire pack’s worth of gum all at the same time. By the end of the day I was laboring over a monstrous mass of gum, one that has left my jaw quite fatigued today. Although I’m sure it looked quite disgusting to anyone observing, I again feel as though it was a special personal moment that I won’t soon forget. And you should have seen the size of the bubbles!!!

So other than all that nonsense, some of you may have noticed that I’m now posting bulletins everyday with a random question. This is mostly just to add some interaction to the page and for me to get to know you guys a little better. It’s been a lot of fun hearing some of you talk about everything from pizza toppings to super powers. I plan to keep asking these questions every weekday, just to stir some conversation. If you have any suggestions for questions you would like to see asked be sure to drop me a line.

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